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First Aid Policy

  1. What is this policy about?
    1. This policy frames the provision of first aid and first aid facilities in the Education Directorate (Directorate) workplaces, schools and office environments. The policy supports a range of further guidance material including for the management of students with known medical conditions.
  2. Policy Statement
    1. The Directorate will administer first aid treatment to injured or ill workers, students and others in its workplaces.
    2. This policy should be read in conjunction with the ACT Public Service First Aid in the Workplace Policy (WHS-04-2013).
  3. Who does this policy apply to?
    1. This policy applies to all ACT public schools, principals, Directorate workers, students, parents and carers.
  4. Context
    1. The Work Health and Safety Act 2011 and the Children (Education and Care Services) National Law (NSW) No 104a, and their associated regulations, provide specific requirements for the provision and management of first aid in the Directorate. Requirements include taking a risk management approach for the provision of, and access to, first aid facilities and resources and numbers of trained first aiders.
    2. Specific requirements regarding first aid training, maintaining first aid records and the management of first aid emergencies are outlined in the Children (Education and Care Services) National Law (NSW) No 104 and the Education and Care Services National Regulations 2011. Further details are available in first aid procedures associated with this policy.
  5. Responsibilities
    1. Key responsibilities as they relate to the management of first aid in the Directorate are outlined below and should be considered in conjunction with the broader ACTPS Work Health and Safety Act 2011 - Responsibilities Policy and the First Aid General Procedure.
    2. Director-General: The Director-General will exercise due diligence to ensure that directorate work environments are safe and healthy for workers, students and others and that the directorate complies with the ACTPS First Aid in the Workplace Policy (WHS-04-2013) In the context of first aid, due diligence means taking all reasonable steps to ensure:
      • a risk management approach is used to identify and adequately resource the administration of first aid in workplaces
      • a system of regular monitoring of safe practices, procedures and controls in relation to first aid administration is implemented
      • systems are in place that facilitate consultation with workers when decisions are made about first aid requirements
      • first aid facilities and equipment are available for all workers, students and others including those who work outside normal business hours (e.g. cleaners and contractors)
      • first aiders, trained to administer first aid, are available for all workers and students, and to others where reasonably practicable.
    3. Executives: will exercise due diligence in assisting the Director-General with their obligations including implementing the ACTPS and directorate first aid policies and procedures.
    4. Workers: have a responsibility to ensure that while at work they:
      • take reasonable care of their own health and safety, including disclosure of any medical condition that that may be potentially life threatening and may affect their ability to carry out their duties or may adversely affect the health and safety of another person (Ref: Work Health and Safety Act 2011 Section 28)
      • comply with the ACTPS and directorate first aid policies, and procedures.
    5. First aid officers: are responsible for providing first aid to workers, students, and others in accordance with their qualifications and the first aid policy and procedures.
      • First aid officers must not administer first aid beyond the level of their qualification.
      • Before starting to treat a casualty, the first aid officer should receive consent for the treatment unless there is a circumstance where consent can be assumed i.e. the casualty is unconscious, or unable to give consent due to their injuries, or where there is an anaphylaxis or asthma emergency.
      • A designated first aid officer, who, in the course of their employment, renders first aid assistance to another worker or member of the public, is acting on behalf of the Territory. The Territory will assume liability and meet any damages and legal costs in the event that a claim arises out of the provision of that assistance.
    6. Health and Safety Representatives: In the context of first aid, Health and Safety Representatives represent the interests of a particular work group in relation to any health and safety matter arising in relation to the local provision, management and monitoring of the first aid system. Their roles and responsibilities are governed by the Work Health and Safety Act 2011.
    7. Parents and carers: In the school context, parents and carers will take all reasonable steps to ensure the principal or delegate is informed of any specialist medical condition and the medical requirements for its management on student enrolment by completion of the Known Medical Condition Response Plan provided by the school or, on diagnosis of the condition.
    8. Policy Owner: The Director People and Performance Branch is responsible for this policy.
  6. Monitoring and Review
    1. The Director People and Performance Branch will monitor this policy including an annual scan and review. A full review of the policy will be conducted within a three year period.
  7. Contact
    1. For support contact People and Performance Branch on 6205 9150 or email
  8. Complaints
    1. Any concerns about the application of this policy or the policy itself, should be raised with:
  9. References
    1. Definitions
      • Directorate workplace: includes all venues used by workers in the course of their normal duties, including schools and venues where school activities take place, office buildings and storage units, and excursion venues.
      • Executive: is a term that includes executives, school principals, managers and supervisors.
      • First aid: is the immediate treatment or care given to a person suffering from an injury or illness until more advanced care is provided or the person recovers.
      • First aid officers: are designated directorate workers who have been appointed on the basis of their qualifications and availability to perform the duties of a first aid officer. They receive a first aid allowance.
      • Others: include clients, volunteers, visitors and workers under the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 that are not on the directorate payroll.
      • Parent or carer: is a person having parental responsibility for a child or young person under the Children and Young People Act 2008, including a carer under that Act.
      • Parental responsibility: in relation to a child, means all the duties, powers, responsibilities and authority that, by law, parents have in relation to children.
      • Reasonably practicable: as defined by the Work Health and Safety Act 2011-Section18, in relation to a duty to ensure health and safety, means that which is, or was at a particular time, reasonably able to be done in relation to ensuring health and safety, taking into account and weighing up all relevant matters including:
        • the likelihood of the hazard or the risk concerned occurring
        • the degree of harm that might result from the hazard or the risk
        • what the person concerned knows, or ought reasonably to know, about:
          • the hazard or the risk
          • ways of eliminating or minimising the risk
          • the availability and suitability of ways to eliminate or minimise the risk, and after assessing the extent of the risk and the available ways of eliminating or minimising the risk, the cost associated with available ways of eliminating or minimising the risk, including whether the cost is grossly disproportionate to the risk.
      • Worker: includes directorate employees, volunteers, students gaining work experience and others including contractors and sub-contractors.
    2. Legislation
    3. Implementation Documents
      • First Aid General Procedure
        • Administration of Analgesics Procedure
        • Administration of Student Medication and Complex Health Care Procedures
        • Anaphylaxis Management Procedure
        • Asthma Management Procedure
        • Diabetes Management Procedure
        • Epilepsy Management Procedure
        • First Aid Facilities Procedure
        • First Aid Records Management Procedure
        • First Aid Training Procedure
        • Managing Hepatitis Procedure
        • Sharps and Bio-Hazardous Waste Procedure
        • Standard Precautions for Infection Control and Safe Work Procedure
    4. Related Policies and Information

First Aid Policy: FAP201512 is the unique identifier of this document. It is the responsibility of the user to verify that this is the current and complete version of the document, available on the Directorate’s website at