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ACT school leaders learning together

26 Sep 2019

Dr Mary Jean Gallagher presents to school leaders from across ACT public schools

Dr Mary Jean Gallagher presents to school leaders from across ACT public schools
Dr Mary Jean Gallagher

As part of the ACT Education Directorate’s commitment to strengthening our schools, school leaders from across ACT Public Schools have met this week to take part in powerful professional learning on the value of collaboration for improved student learning.

Dr Gallagher, former Assistant deputy minister and Chief Student Achievement officer in Ontario, Canada, spoke about the ways in which schools can strive for excellence together, collaborating in their improvement efforts, thus supporting students to be personally successful, economically productive and actively engaged citizens.

“Effective schools are passionate and persistently curious about improving learning outcomes for students,” said Dr Gallagher.

She challenged school leaders to consider what could be different in their school communities in Term Four to better support student wellness, equity and excellence and improve outcomes in their school communities.

“School’s don’t exist for the comfort of the adults working there, their purpose is to lift the students up,” said Dr Gallagher.

Dr Gallagher shared the ways in which a change in leadership habits, mobilizing data for action and improved teaching practices had been significant in achieving measurable improvements to literacy levels and graduation rates in public schools across Ontario, Canada.

Dr Gallagher said that ACT public schools are well placed for educational reform as we have access to resources such as the Australian Curriculum, ACT Education Directorate Strategic Plan and Future of Education Strategy and the National Improvement Tool to support the process.

To demonstrate the value of collaboration, staff from four schools selected for their measurable improvements in learning data; Charnwood-Dunlop Primary School, Turner School, Lyneham High School and Dickson College, presented workshops on the strategies that had been successful in their school communities.

Follow Dr Gallagher on Twitter.