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APPENDIX 10: Compliance Index

Transmittal Certificate

Section A Performance and Financial Management Reporting
A1 The organisation
A2 Overview
A3 Highlights
A4 Outlook
A5 Management discussion and analysis (Appendix 1)
A6 Financial report (Appendix 2)
A7 Statement of performance (Appendix 3)
A8 Strategic indicators
A9 Analysis of agency performance
A10 Triple bottom line report (Appendix 4)

Section B Consultation and Scrutiny Reporting
B1 Community engagement, (and complaints)
B2 Internal and external scrutiny
B3 Legislative Assembly committee inquiries and reports
B4 Legislative report

Section C Legislative and Policy Based Reporting
C1 Risk management and internal audit
C2 Fraud prevention
C3 Public interest disclosure
C4 Freedom of information
C5 Internal accountability
C6 Human resources performance
C7 Staffing profile
C8 Learning and development
C9 Workplace health and safety C10 Workplace relations
C11 Strategic Bushfire Management Plan
C12 Strategic asset management
C13 Capital works
C14 Government contracting (Appendix 5)
C15 Community grants/assistance/sponsorship
C16 Territory records
C17 Human Rights Act 2004
C18 Commissioner for the Environment
C19 ACT Multicultural Strategy 2010-2013
C20 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Reporting
C21 Ecologically sustainable development
C22 ACT Women’s Plan 2010-2015
C23 Model litigant guidelines

Annexed Reports
1 Accreditation and Registration Council
2 Board of Senior Secondary Studies
3 Government Schools Education Council
4 Non government Schools Education Council

Complaint Resolutions

Report Omissions and reasons for non-compliance (Appendix 6)

Abbreviations and acronyms (Appendix 9)

General index (Appendix 11)