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C3 Public interest disclosure

The Public Interest Disclosure Act 1994 (the PID Act) encourages the disclosure of conduct in the public sector that is adverse to the public interest. Information is available to staff and the community about procedures for making and handling public interest disclosures via the Department’s website.

Information is provided on:

  • the purpose of the PID Act
  • various contact points where disclosures can be made within and outside the Department
  • who can make a disclosure
  • types of disclosures that can be made
  • how to make a disclosure to the Department
  • protection from legal action and advice on cases of victimisation
  • feedback to informants
  • strategies if dissatisfied with the outcome of an investigation.

The nominated contact officer for public interest disclosures is:

Senior Manager
Governance and Legal Liaison
Telephone (02) 6205 9339.

Summary of disclosures

No disclosures were received during the 2009-10 reporting period.

The Department’s existing public interest disclosure procedures and materials will be reviewed in 2010-11 to ensure alignment with complementary processes and resources such as those supporting the Department’s Fraud & Corruption, Prevention & Response Plan and ethics strategies.

For more information contact:
Governance Branch
Telephone: (02) 6205 7661

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