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D6 Notices of Non-Compliance

Section 200 of the Dangerous Substance ACT 2004 requires agencies to provide a statement on the number of notices of non-compliance serviced and the matter to which each notice related.

The Directorate did not receive any notices during the reporting period.

For further information contact:
People and Performance
(02) 6205 9202

Schools Reducing Energy Consumption

In 2013, Chapman Primary School reduced its energy consumption by 19 percent compared with the 2011 level, saving 74 tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions.

Reductions were achieved by engaging students to change the behaviour of the school community and making physical changes, such as removing fluorescent tubes from over-lit areas. Students also ensured the school turned off unnecessary appliances such as freezers, interactive white boards, computers and water heaters over the school holidays.

Photo showing students from Chapman Primary School in role of 'Energy Agents', ensuring unnecessary electrical items are turned off as part of program to reduce school energy consumptionen

Photo: Chapman Primary School 'Energy Agents' doing their rounds of rooms to make sure unnecessary electrical items are turned off.