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Recognising early childhood education in law

Formally recognising early childhood education in law and providing professional recognition for early childhood teachers strengthens the ACT’s ECEC sector. Set up for Success: An Early Childhood Strategy for the ACT PDF File (845kb) (Set up for Success) includes amending the Education Act 2004 (the Act) to recognise that early childhood education and care has a central role in the realisation of the rights of the child and should be accessible on an equity basis.

In late 2023 the Education (Early Childhood) Legislation Amendment Act 2023 was passed, recognising the importance of quality early childhood education in the two years prior to compulsory school education.

The ACT is the first Australian jurisdiction to enshrine access to two years of quality early childhood education prior to formal schooling in law. The Act now includes a new chapter dedicated to early childhood education and recognition in law that children start learning from birth.

Set up for Success also includes amending the legislation that regulates the teaching profession, to include qualified early childhood teachers.

The passing of the Education (Early Childhood) Legislation Amendment Act 2023 also amended the ACT Teacher Quality Institute Act 2010 to enable the professional registration of early childhood teachers.

The ACT Teacher Registration Framework has been broadened through the introduction of the Early Childhood Teacher (ECT) Registration category.

The benefits of registration include:

Find out more about ECT Registration External Link and the amendments to the Act through the Education (Early Childhood) Legislation Amendment Act 2023.

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