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NSW students enrolling in ACT public schools

Enrolments now open

Enrol here for the 2024 school year.

Enrolments for the 2025 school year open 30 April 2024.

Questions? Call the Enrolment Helpline on 02 6205 5429

NSW Pathways

Under the NSW Education Act 1990, the NSW Government is responsible for providing schooling for NSW resident students.

For many years, the ACT Government has provided education services to NSW residents in the ACT region. This long-standing commitment is part of the current ACT-NSW Memorandum of Understanding for Regional Collaboration.

NSW families enrolling in the ACT public school system are provided a Pathway through all stages of schooling (K-12) at selected schools. Once a student is enrolled on a Pathway, they are guaranteed a place on that Pathway. Where possible, NSW residents seeking to enrol in preschool will be allocated to the preschool attached to the Pathway School.

Please see the NSW Enrolment Pathways below for northside and southside Pathways.

Applicants may apply to any NSW Pathway School, however we can only guarantee a place at the NSW Pathway School within their NSW Pathway Zones PDF File (97kb).

Please contact the school directly to arrange a tour or see the school information sessions page on this website.

Specialist schools

NSW resident students who have been determined to be eligible for a Specialist School will be provided with an enrolment pathway for their child where there is available capacity after enrolling all eligible ACT applicants.

Note: Each student can have only one active enrolment application at any time. Any new application submitted for the same student in the same year will override all earlier applications and current offers.

What happens after I have applied

Non-NSW Pathway School enrolment requests

In limited circumstances only, ACT schools that are not designated as NSW Pathway Schools can consider NSW student enrolments on the following criteria:

NSW-based applicants must first apply to their Pathway School and receive a letter of offer. Applicants can then submit their non-NSW Pathway School enrolment request via the Review Request form.

A Review outcome will be emailed by the preferred school to the applicant within 10 working days, however during peak enrolment periods delays may be experienced due to higher volume of Review requests.

The offer of place from your Pathway School remains valid until you enrol at your preferred school, submit a new application, or decline the offer.

Non-NSW Pathway School enrolment request decisions are subject to the Appeal process.

Frequently asked questions

Will my child have to enrol at a Pathways school if they are moving or transitioning from a non-Pathways school?

Yes. Enrolment in a non-NSW Pathway School does not guarantee enrolment at another non-Pathway School for the next stage of schooling (high school or college). NSW applicants must submit a new application for each stage of schooling. They are only guaranteed a place at the NSW Pathway School within their NSW Pathway Zone.

If I move from my NSW residence to another in NSW, will my child continue at their current ACT public school?

Yes, your child can continue attending their current school, or move your child to your new designated NSW Pathway school (if applicable). Should you seek to enrol your child in a further stage of schooling (high school or college) then the NSW Pathways options will apply.

How are individual circumstances related to student wellbeing considered non-Pathway applications?

Where there are individual circumstances, based on student wellbeing, applications will be considered in relation to the following:

  • Are there individual circumstances which suggest it may not be in the best interest of the child to attend their Pathway school?
  • If so, are there compelling reasons for the child to be enrolled at their preferred non-NSW Pathway school?

The principal’s decision is guided by these questions, and a Review recommendation from the Education Support Office. Where a student’s needs can be met at their Pathway School, their application will be declined by the preferred school. Parents then have the option to Appeal this decision.

What if the other parent doesn’t consent to the application?

Should there be disagreement between parents/carers about an ACT public school application, it is a matter for the parents/carers to resolve. If the child is already enrolled at an ACT school, then the child will be required to stay at that school until the school is directed otherwise by agreement of both parents, or through a legal document such as a Court Order.