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Students with a Disability Meeting their Educational Needs Policy

  1. What is this policy about?
    1. This policy confirms the Education Directorate’s commitment to supporting students with disability in ACT public schools.
  2. Policy Statement
    1. The Education Directorate (the Directorate) supports and complies with the requirements of the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 and the Disability Standards for Education 2005.
    2. ACT public schools provide educational programs and make reasonable adjustments for students with disability at the time of enrolment and during the course of their education, ensuring they are able to access and participate in education on the same basis as other students.
    3. The Directorate provides a range of educational services and settings for students to accommodate the diversity of curriculum, resource, environmental and support needs of students with disability.
    4. The Directorate supports the enrolment of students with disability in local schools.
    5. The Directorate supports the rights of parents to choose an appropriate setting for their child and to be fully informed and active participants in key decisions relating to their child’s education.
  3. Who does this policy apply to?
    1. All ACT public schools.
  4. Context
    1. Students with disability can access a range of educational settings including attending their local school in classes with their same-aged peers through the Inclusion Support Program; accessing Disability Education Programs (small group programs) in their local school; or attending a specialist school.
    2. Some students with disability access hydrotherapy pools in ACT public schools located at Black Mountain, Turner, Cranleigh and Malkara.
    3. These pools must only be used for students with disability and for other therapeutic purposes in line with the Students with Disability: meeting their educational needs procedure and hydrotherapy pools procedure.
  5. Responsibilities
    1. Principal and Directorate staff: are responsible for implementing this policy.
    2. Policy Owner: The Executive Branch Manager, Student Engagement is responsible for this policy.
  6. Monitoring and Review
    1. The Policy Owner monitors the policy. This includes an annual scan of operation and review. A full review of the policy will be conducted within a three year period.
  7. Contact
    1. For support contact Inclusive Education on (02) 6205 6925 or
  8. Complaints
    1. Any feedback about this policy should be raised with the policy owner. Refer to Contact information above.
  9. References
    1. Definitions
      • Disability: means a loss or reduction in ability to function on a day to day basis, caused by one or a combination of impairments including intellectual and physical disability, vision and hearing impairment, language disorder, mental health and chronic medical conditions.
      • Inclusivity: means including every student in the educational programs offered by the school. It involves personalising the learning program for each student by valuing their uniqueness - their interests, experiences, abilities, prior learning, insights, needs, cultural and ethnic backgrounds, and learning styles.
      • Local school: means the student’s priority enrolment area school. These have previously been referred to as “mainstream” schools.
      • Parent: is a person with parental responsibility for a child.
      • Reasonable adjustment: is a measure or action taken by an education provider that has the effect of assisting a student with a disability:
        • in relation to an admission or enrolment
        • in relation to a course or programs
        • in relation to facilities or services
    2. Legislation
      • The Education Act 2004 provides for the operation and governance of ACT public schools.
      • The Discrimination Act 1991 aims to eliminate discrimination in areas including education.
      • The Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (Cwlth) aims to eliminate as far as possible, discrimination in areas including education.
      • The Disability Standards for Education 2005 (Cwlth) clarify the obligations of education and training providers and seek to ensure that students with disability can access and participate in education on the same basis as other students.
      • The ACT Human Rights Act 2004 sets out a number of rights including the right to recognition and equality before the law.
      • The Information Privacy Act 2014 promotes the protection of individual privacy by regulating the handling and management of personal information.
    3. Implementation Documents
    4. Related Policies and Information

Students with a Disability: Meeting their Educational Needs Policy: SWD200810 is the unique identifier of this document. It is the responsibility of the user to verify that this is the current and complete version of the document, available on the Directorate’s website at