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Professional Teaching Framework

Indicators of Professional Knowledge


  • know their content and how to teach that content to their studentsunderstand curriculum documents, policies and programs associated with the content they teach
  • know their students and how their students learn
  • program to meet a range of individual needs and abilities
  • build knowledge through professional learning and development.

Indicators of Professional Practice


  • plan, assess and report for quality learning
  • create and maintain an inclusive, supportive and challenging learning environment through the use of effective classroom management skills
  • use a range of strategies, technologies, activities and resources to engage students in their learning
  • provide a learning environment that encourages students to take responsibility for their own learning
  • engage in reflective practice to enhance teaching and learning.

Indicators of Professional Relationships


  • communicate effectively with students
  • work cooperatively with colleagues to support teaching and learning
  • develop respectful relationships with students from diverse backgrounds
  • plan and implement meaningful learning that builds on the knowledge and skills developed through the family and the community
  • work productively with parents, carers and the wider community to support students.

Indicators of Professional Attributes


  • demonstrate flexibility and adaptability
  • are passionate and committed to teaching and learning
  • are resilient and have capacity to respond positively to change
  • display ethical behaviour and responsibility
  • are actively engaged in their profession, their school and the wider community.