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Academy of future skills

The Academy of Future Skills is a team of specialist executive teachers who will support individual teachers and schools in STEM education. With the aim of strengthening our public school teachers and providing a place where students love to learn, we use a coaching model to plan and co-deliver rich, integrated STEM learning programs. All public school teachers have the potential to develop their STEM skills and knowledge under our job-embedded professional learning model. If you or your school wish to receive curriculum or pedagogical support, STEM or inquiry-based learning workshops, borrow our specialised equipment or classroom spaces, or need to consult about the teaching of STEM subjects, please contact our specialist team.

Contact us

Mungga-iri Jingee - Southside Hub

Located at: Caroline Chisholm Senior School campus
108 Hambidge Crescent
Chisholm ACT 2905
Phone: 6207 5364

Dhawura Ngadjung - Northside Hub

Located at: University of Canberra Senior Secondary College Lake Ginninderra (UCSSCLG)
2 Emu Bank
Belconnen ACT 2607
Phone: 6207 0806

To begin your STEM partnership, fill in the Expression of Interest form or contact us by email or phone.