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Student voice

What is Student Voice?

Student voice allows students to have a say about what goes on at their school and be active participants in the school community. Student voice helps students to participate in and contribute to a number of processes at school, including:

Useful Resources

ACT Minister’s Student Congress

ACT Minister’s Student Congress logo

The ACT Minister’s Student Congress is an opportunity for ACT public school students to come together to discuss issues which matter to them and affect their education. The Congress is led by a student elected executive team with support from the Directorate. This team facilitates the Congress which is held twice a year and represents the wider student body with the ACT Minister for Education.

The Minister’s Student Congress provides students with a number of opportunities in leadership, advocacy, networking and organisational skills. The Congress Executive meets twice a term to evaluate the previous congress and use that information to plan the upcoming congress.

Minister’s Student Congress Executive Reports

Youth Coalition of the ACT

The Youth Coalition is the peak youth affairs body in the ACT and represents the interests of people aged between 12 and 25 years of age, and those who work with them. They undertake a range of advocacy work to raise awareness of emerging issues to both government and to the broader community. They strive to ensure that emerging issues are brought to the attention of policy makers within government.

Youth Coalition of the ACT website external link

National Youth Week

National Youth Week is an annual, week long celebration of young people (aged 12–25) throughout Australia. In the ACT, National Youth Week is coordinated by the Youth Coalition of the ACT and the ACT Government. Each year, all over Australia, events are planned and organised to celebrate and recognise the contribution of young people.

National Youth Week - Youth Coalition of the ACT external link