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Student Participation in College

Student Leadership

Students who want to be involved in a representative capacity can nominate for the Student Leadership Group. All colleges have a range of committees in Student Leadership. The Student Leadership members represent the student body on committees and act as college representatives on Canberra wide organisations. These committees meet regularly and reports to college decision making bodies. They provide formal and informal avenues of communication between students, staff and the community. They organise student social functions and is responsible for a range of activities for the benefit of all students.

College Newsletter

Colleges produce a newsletter twice a term. It keeps the community in touch with what's happening at the college and advertises coming events. Newsletters are emailed out to the community and are also posted to the college website.

College Planner

At the beginning of each semester students are issued with a student calendar or diary that contains a calendar, assessment planner and other details relating to college policies. The use of the planner helps students develop their organisational skills.

Daily Notices

They are usually displayed on TV monitors and boards in reception and a number of locations throughout the colleges. Students are advised to check the board/monitor.

Times of Operation

The times of operation vary from one college to the next – most college days start between 8.30am and 9am and finish between 3.00pm and 4pm, Monday to Friday.

Student Attendance

In every college each student is given a timetable schedule showing their enrolled classes at the beginning of each term/semester. Each class has set times allocated for face to face lessons each week. Students are expected to attend all classes in their program of study. The ACT Board of Senior Secondary Studies and the college have strict rules for class attendance.

Student Absences

It is normal practice that students communicate reasons for their absences in writing directly to the student services team. In cases of serious illness a student adviser should also be informed. Grades and the ACT Senior Secondary Certificate are likely to be affected by frequent or prolonged absences. Absences more than three days require a medical certificate.

If absences seriously affect the student's level of achievement, an A-E grade may not be possible. Depending on the circumstances, the student may be awarded a 'non-assessable' V grade. The award of a V grade is open to appeal, as is the case for all other grades. The BSSS policy is that students are to be given a V grade if they do not attend at least 90% of classes for a unit, or if they fail to complete at least 70% of the assessment for a unit, without a satisfactory explanation. If a student has a valid reason for missing classes or not submitting an assessment task, they must provide adequate documentary evidence. Parents may request attendance information from the college at any time.

Recreational, Sporting and Extra-Curricular Activities

Students are encouraged to supplement their academic studies with involvement in their college's wide range of co-curricula activities. These activities vary from college to college and may include:


All colleges feature a very active and successful sports program. Sport is encouraged for recreation and fitness. Some colleges offer a talented sports development program for young elite sports persons with direct links to other training institutions.

Performing Arts

Students are encouraged to engage in performing arts, either as actors, out front (advertising and box office) or back stage (stage and lights). For many students these occasions become the highlights of their time at college.

Community Service

A number of different community service programs throughout the year are offered. Students who become involved find these programs rewarding and valuable experiences.

Debating and Chess

Debating and Chess offers an opportunity for students to shine in a non-sporting arena. It offers excellent training in thinking and problem solving.

Evening Classes program

Some colleges operate a program of evening courses that are well supported by the local community. Students and parents will be kept fully informed of the evening program courses. Students who wish to take any of these evening courses may be able to count them towards their package. See the principal for advice.

Academic Competitions

Academic competitions are in areas such as Science and Mathematics, and also include Lions youth of the year, Model United Nations Assembly and Plain English speaking competition.