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Corporate Sponsorship Policy

  1. What is this policy about?
    1. This policy supports the development of beneficial links between the Directorate and business.
  2. Policy Statement
    1. Schools or central office may seek additional resources or services through sponsorship to support events or activities.
    2. The sponsorship activity will be consistent with the values, corporate purpose and goals of individual schools, the Directorate and the ACT Government.
    3. Sponsorship agreements will not:
      • limit or direct academic debate in the classroom
      • influence the curriculum or other school programs
      • compromise the professional standards and ethics of staff.
    4. All sponsorship monies become monies of the Directorate and will be treated in accordance with the procedures laid down in the Director-General’s Financial Instructions.
    5. The benefits of sponsorship must go to a school/central office unit, a group of schools/central office units or the system as a whole.
    6. Staff must not individually benefit as a result of sponsorship.
    7. Staff will not actively recommend or endorse a product or service and no statement in the sponsor’s advertising should imply that the Directorate recommends or endorses a product or service. Similarly, neither staff nor students may be involved in marketing commercial products of sponsors.
    8. Acceptance of a sponsor’s product or service must not be made a condition for student or staff participation in the sponsored activity or program.
    9. Schools will not insist on students wearing clothing carrying the sponsor’s name or symbol or constrain those students from participating in the sponsored activity where students or their parents conscientiously object.
    10. School Boards retain the right to decide whether to participate or not in system wide sponsorship.
  3. Who does this policy apply to?
    1. This policy applies to all ACT public schools and Directorate staff.
  4. Context
    1. There may be mutual benefits in schools and businesses entering into arrangements with a view to improving outcomes for students. These arrangements can involve the provision of funds or services to schools in return for acknowledgement or recognition.
    2. The ACT Government provides funds on a system-wide basis for ACT public schools and Directorate activities and sponsorship is viewed as a supplement, rather than as a permanent or major source of funds.
    3. The Public Sector Management Standards, Standard 4 Ethics state that staff must not take or seek to take improper advantage of their position in order to obtain benefits for themselves, their family or any other person or organisation.
  5. Responsibilities
    1. Staff: are responsible for ensuring any sponsorship activities are consistent with this policy and procedures.
    2. School Boards: are required to include details of all current sponsorship income and expenditure in the school’s annual report, including details of how each sponsorship benefited students.
    3. Final authority over any sponsorship agreement, sponsorship contract or full legal contract rests with the Director-General.
    4. Policy Owner: The Director, Governance and Assurance is responsible for this policy.
  6. Monitoring and Review
    1. The Policy Owner monitors the policy. This includes an annual scan of operation and review. A full review of the policy will be conducted within a three year period.
  7. Contact
    1. For support contact the Media and Communications Unit on (02) 6205 9423 or email
  8. Complaints
    1. Any concerns about the application of this policy or the policy itself, should be raised with:
  9. References
    1. Definitions
      • Donations: are unconditional gifts or money or materials. This policy does not apply to donations.
      • School Boards: are established under the Education Act 2004 and are responsible for:
        • setting and monitoring the school’s strategic direction, and
        • reporting on the achievements of the school to the school and wider community as well as to the Directorate.
      • Sponsorship: is the negotiated provision of funds, in kind support through the provision of goods or services to schools and central office units in exchange for advertising, publicity or other benefits.
      • Sponsorship Agreement: is a written document outlining the negotiated terms for a sponsorship.
    2. Legislation
    3. Implementation Documents
      • Corporate Sponsorship Procedures
    4. Related Policies and Information

Corporate Sponsorship Policy: CSP200109 is the unique identifier of this document. It is the responsibility of the user to verify that this is the current and complete version of the document, available on the Directorate’s website at