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About Positive Behaviour for Learning

Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL), also known internationally as Positive Behaviour Intervention Supports (PBIS), is an evidence-based, multi-tiered behavioural framework that supports positive outcomes for all students in their social, emotional, and academic development. The focus is on building whole school, proactive systems, and practices, which reduce the need for reactive interventions. A team of PBL External Coaches from the Education Directorate supports ACT public schools to implement.

The benefits of PBL and its framework evidence base

Schools that implement PBL with fidelity improve school climate, the social emotional competence and academic success of students and teacher health and wellbeing.

The PBL framework is supported by decades of research conducted nationally and internationally. This research confirms the positive impact the PBL systems and practices have on improving student outcomes. References for the evidence base of PBIS and its effectiveness can be found on the United States of America’s Center on PBIS External Link website.

Multi-tiered Systems of Support that underpins PBL

The Multi-tiered Systems of Support underpinning PBL ensures school staff provide social, emotional, and academic supports matched to student’s needs in a timely manner across the following three tiers:

Tiers 1-3 blue triangles: Tier 1 Universal Supports, Tier 2 Selected Supports, Tier 3 Targeted Supports

Tier 1 Universal Supports apply to all students in all settings all of the time. They establish a foundation of positive and proactive strategies across the school, reducing the need for reactive interventions. Tier 1 implementation involves thorough engagement of all stakeholders (staff, students, and community) in the development of systems and practices that:

Tier 2 Selected Supports enhance and build upon the Tier 1 Universal Supports. They enable schools to identify students who require additional social, academic and behavioural support and provide evidence-based small group interventions to prevent and decrease inappropriate behaviour. On average, between 10 and15 per cent of the student population will need some type of Tier 2 support. Tier 2 practices include:

Tier 3 Targeted Supports involve more intensive, highly individualised interventions to improve the social, academic and behavioural outcomes of a small number of students who have not responded to Tier 1 and Tier 2 supports. Tier 3 practices include:

The Problem-Solving Framework that underpins PBL

Fundamental to PBL implementation across the three tiers is an evidence based problem-solving approach comprised of five elements:

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The outcomes are what schools achieve through the data, systems, and practices. They are goals set by the school community for everyone to work together to see them through. They are determined locally and are contextually relevant, measurable and achievable. These include social, emotional, behavioural and academic outcomes and are embraced by all staff, families and the school community.

When it comes to outcomes, schools must ask: What is important to our learning community?


Schools generate multiple pieces of data about students every day. The data is used to assess the current environment, monitor and evaluate outcomes, practices and systems across all three tiers. It informs the need for change and provides opportunities to evaluate the impact of interventions. By reviewing multiple sources of data frequently, school teams can make decisions to select, modify or discontinue practices based on need.

When it comes to data, schools must ask: What information do we need to make effective decisions?


It is the formalisation of the ways schools operate that are the foundational systems. These systems support procedures implemented by all staff to maintain sustainable practices. It can include strategic decisions around the use of resources including personnel, funding, policies and training. To be successful the systems must be staff focused.

When it comes to systems, schools must ask: What can we do to sustain this over the long haul?


Key to improving outcomes are the strategies to support students at every level. Once the desired outcomes are established, the school identifies the evidence-based practices, strategies and interventions that support students. These practices are research based and embrace a positive, proactive, and instructional philosophy guided by school needs.

When it comes to practices, schools must ask: How will we support our students’ behavioural, social, emotional, and academic growth?


When PBL is implemented with fidelity, it fits seamlessly within the local school context. Leadership teams work with all stakeholders to prioritise valued outcomes and promote high expectations for all students. Centering equity also means adapting practices to meet students’ individual needs, and disaggregating data by student group to ensure success for everyone.

When it comes to equity, schools must ask: How can we enhance the experiences and outcomes for each educator and student?

For more information on PBL

Talk to your school principal or visit the Positive Behavioural Interventions & Supports (PBIS) website External Link.