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The Directorate's internal audit functions are managed by the Chief Internal Auditor and Director, Governance and Assurance Branch and by the Audit and Assurance Section. The Branch engages external auditors to conduct some audits. Providers are sourced from a panel of external audit service providers.

Internal audits tabled in 2014-15 included:

Internal audits in progress in 2014-15 include:

Two financial acquittals were conducted in 2014-15.

The Directorate's Audit Committee Charter reflects the Australian National Audit Office and the ACT Treasury best practice guides for Audit Committees. The Committee's internal audit responsibilities are to:

The Audit Committee met six times during 2014-15. The Committee membership and attendance are displayed in Table B.5.1.

Table B.5.1: Audit Committee membership and meetings in 2014-15
Members Title Meetings attended
Ms Carol Lilley Chairperson (external) 6
Ms Diane Fielding External member 5
Ms Leanne Cover Internal member1 3
Ms Joanne Garrisson Internal member 5
Mr Stephen Gniel Internal member2 3

Source: Chief Internal Auditor, Audit and Assurance
1. Ms Leanne Cover resigned from the Committee in February 2015
2. Mr Stephen Gniel was appointed to the Committee in February 2015

For further information contact: Director
Governance and Assurance
(02) 6205 9328