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The Directorate is dedicated to improving workplace health and safety across schools and central office. Key actions for the reporting period included:

Additional actions included:


The ACT Education and Training Directorate (the Directorate) was issued with three Improvement Notices on 11 June 2015 from the ACT Workplace Health and Safety Regulator, Worksafe ACT. This was in relation to a single incident at a school involving static/electric shock.

Heath Safety and Wellbeing (HSW), People and Performance reviewed policy and procedures in reporting static/electric shock in response to the notices.

In the reporting period 31 notifiable incidents were reported to Worksafe ACT and followed up by the HSW section. These related to staff and students incidents with asbestos, electricity and/or events requiring administration to hospital.

A total of 680 staff accident/incident reports were received during the 2014-2015 reporting period. This figure is a 31 percent decrease from the previous year's figure of 991.

The HSW section investigated 75 incidents reported via accident and incident reporting and/or requests to visit schools to assess WHS issues and provide advice.

CMTEDD provided support to the Directorate with the follow up of two WHS environmental issues and with the Work Injury Reporting System (Riskman) rollout.

The Directorate received 1,491 student accident and incident reports and 21 third party accident and incident reports for the 2014-2015 reporting period.

Worker consultation arrangements and health and safety representatives

As required under the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 the Directorate consulted with employees regarding Worker's Consultation Units (WCU). A WCU is the group of workers with whom the consultation arrangements will be agreed and to whom they will be applied. The WCU may include all workers, or the workers may be arranged into multiple units. WCUs include all ACT Government primary schools, preschools, early childhood schools, high schools, colleges, and central office locations. A total of 92 WCUs were formed during the 2014-2015 reporting period.

The Directorate had 94 Health and Safety Representatives (HSRs) and 45 Deputy HSRs undertaking responsibilities during the 2014-2015 reporting period. The primary role and function of the HSR is to represent workers within their work group in relation to health and safety matters.

To support the HSRs, quarterly network meetings were conducted to ensure up-to-date health and safety information is disseminated throughout the Directorate.

Injury prevention and management

Injury prevention and management policy committee

The Injury Prevention and Management Policy Committee is the key consultative committee for the Directorate's workplace health and safety matters. The Committee has had oversight of the development of new and existing health and safety initiatives such as:

Injury prevention and management programs

In 2014-15, a range of programs were implemented to ensure the safety and welfare of staff including:

Performance against the Australian Work Health and Safety Strategy 2012-2022 targets

Target 1 - A reduction of at least 30 per cent in the incidence rate of claims resulting in one or more weeks off work

Throughout the reporting period there has been a 54 percent reduction in the number of claims requiring one or more weeks off work. The Directorate target in 2014-15 of 15.15 claims per 1,000 employees has been exceeded as demonstrated by the lower claim rate of 6.29 claims per 1,000 employees (Table B7.1).

This has been achieved through early intervention and ongoing risk assessment of all accident or incident reporting and the provision of specialist advice to prevent reoccurrence and further injury. Examples include:

Table B7.1: A reduction of at least 30 per cent in the incidence rate of claims resulting in one or more weeks off work
Financial year # new 5 day
Rate per
1000 employees
Agency Target ACTPS
# new 5 day
Rate per
1000 employees
2012 - 13 77 16.08 16.15 369 18.07 16.64
2013 - 14 68 14.35 15.65 322 15.29 16.13
2014 - 15 31 6.29 15.15 226 10.65 15.61
2015 - 16 - - 14.65 - - 15.10
2016 - 17 - - 14.15 - - 14.59
2017 - 18 - - 13.65 - - 14.07
2018 - 19 - - 13.15 - - 13.56
2019 - 20 - - 12.65 - - 13.04
2020 - 21 - - 12.15 - - 12.53
2021 - 22 - - 11.65 - - 12.01

Source: Chief Minister, Treasury and Economic Development Directorate

a. Dates are based on those claims received by Comcare in each financial year
b. Past years' claim numbers may differ from results published in previous annual reports due to maturation of claims data
c. The report includes accepted claims which result in one or more weeks off work
d. Data includes claims up to 30 June 2015

Target 2 - A reduction of at least 30 percent in the incidence rate of claims for musculoskeletal disorders resulting in one or more weeks off work

The early intervention focus adopted by the Directorate has resulted in a significant reduction in musculoskeletal disorders of 68 percent since the previous reporting period. The Directorate target in 2014-2015 of 8.70 claims per 1,000 employees has been exceeded as demonstrated by the lower claim rate of 2.44 claims per 1,000 employees (Table B7.2).

The ACTPS Manual Handling Program provides support for teachers and workers responsible for special needs students through:

Table B7.2: A reduction of at least 30 per cent in the incidence rate of claims for musculoskeletal disorders resulting in one or more weeks off work
Financial year # new 5 day
MSD claims
Rate per
1000 employees
Agency Target ACTPS
# new 5 day
MSD claims
Rate per
1000 employees
2012 - 13 42 8.77 9.28 238 11.66 11.12
2013 - 14 38 8.02 8.99 210 9.97 10.77
2014 - 15 12 2.44 8.70 142 6.69 10.43
2015 - 16 - - 8.42 - - 10.09
2016 - 17 - - 8.13 - - 9.74
2017 - 18 - - 7.84 - - 9.40
2018 - 19 - - 7.56 - - 9.06
2019 - 20 - - 7.27 - - 8.71
2020 - 21 - - 6.98 - - 8.37

Source: Chief Minister, Treasury and Economic Development Directorate

a. Dates are based on those claims received by Comcare in each financial year
b. Past years' claim numbers may differ from results published in previous annual reports due to maturation of claims data
c. The report includes accepted claims which result in one or more weeks off work
d. Data includes claims up to 30 June 2015.

For further information contact:
People and Performance
(02) 6205 9203